Shelby County Community Drug Forum – October 5, 2017



Thursday, October 5, 2017

6:30-8:30 PM

Shelby County Cooperative Extension Office

1117 Frankfort Rd, Shelbyville, Ky.


Keynote Speaker:

Van Ingram

Executive Director,Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy Coordinating Kentucky’s substance abuse efforts in enforcement, treatment and prevention/education


Other Speakers & Panelists include:

 Michael Webb, KSP Public Relations Commande’1 Moderator

 Glen Powell, Metro United Way

Shelley Goodwin, Shelby County Industrial

 Jeff Reynolds, Awake

Hon.Laura Witt, Commonwealth’s Attorney

Michael Clark, Shelby County Public Schools

 Jeff Ivers, Shelby County EMS

Click on the following link for more event information: Shelby Drug Forum 10_5_17

Adolescent Substance Use Community Discussion – What can we do to prevent it?

When: Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017   6:30 pm

Where: Henry County Extension Office, 2151 Campbellsburg Rd. New Castle, Ky. 40050

What can communities and parents due to prevent adolescent substance use?  This event is open to the public and parents and teens are encouraged to attend.  RSVPs are requested since space is limited and a light meal will be provided.  Please click on the following link for more information and to RSVP:

Adolescent Substance Use Event-1

Workshop for Parents and Grandparents: Drugs Hiding in Plain Sight

Kentucky State Police Trooper Robert Purdy, an 11 year veteran of the Kentucky State Police and current public affairs officer at the Richmond KSP Post will be providing a workshop to teach parents and grandparents raising grandchildren about current drug trends, drug culture and the how to recognize drugs that teens can be hiding in plain sight.


When: September 18, 2017   Noon – 2pm

Where: 2821 Klempner Way, Louisville, Ky. 40205

Space is limited…RSVPs requested

drugs drugs

For more information and to RSVP to attend this event, please click on the following link:

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